Accompanying Salvadorans’ struggle for social justice since 1985

Latest News

Thanks to our 2015 Summer Intern


SalvAide sincerely thanks our 2015 Summer Intern, Christian Moreno, for a job well done. Christian is a graduate of the Carleton University Law and Legal Studies program where his research focused... Read more

Stop the Suits Tour: International Inves…


May 5, 2015 (Montreal/Ottawa/Toronto) In anticipation of an imminent ruling from a little known investor-state arbitration tribunal at the World Bank that could force El Salvador to pay Canadian-Australian mining firm... Read more

El Salvador's 2015 Legislative and Munic…


March 31st, 2015 After an unprecedented delay caused initially by a failure in the computer software processing vote tallies, El Salvador’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) announced late on Friday, March 27th... Read more

About Salvaide

Your donation will be doubled!

Dear Friend of El Salvador,

As the end of 2012 nears and as you prepare for holiday festivities, we want to sincerely thank you for your continued support and accompaniment as we strive to build peace, social justice, and prosperity with the people of El Salvador.

We would also like to share some of our accomplishments this year as well as announce a new initiative - your donation will be doubled!

Yes, that’s right! Until the end of January 2013, your donations to support SalvAide social justice and development projects in El Salvador will be matched 100% by a long-time SalvAide supporter who wishes to remain anonymous. This is a special opportunity to broaden the reach of your generosity. We are very proud of the amazing ability of our partners in El Salvador, CRIPDES and CORDES, to ‘multiply loaves and fishes’ as they stretch every dollar they receive to effect change in the over 350 rural communities where they are present. Please join us in supporting their work and in doubling their impact!

You can count on your contribution being put to good use. Despite the climate of austerity and government funding cuts for international social justice initiatives, SalvAide managed to send over $240,000 to El Salvador last fiscal year to support real development rooted in genuine social justice. Let me emphasize the importance of your solidarity in making this happen. It is precisely because of your steadfast support that our small grassroots organization can continue to accompany the work of our partners on the ground. Through your generosity, you are a catalyst for change.

Here are some examples of how your contributions are put to use:

  • $50 train youth in leadership and non-violence to help them gain marketable skills
  • $100 help vulnerable communities prevent the effects of climate-change
  • $500 help a rural Salvadoran youth finish high school
  • $1,500 take that youth on to university through SalvAide’s Youth Leadership & Scholarships Program

Please consider a gift of $50, $100, $500, or even $1,500 to help us continue our work in El Salvador, and remember – your contribution will be doubled! Any amount you are able to contribute is most welcome. Please click here to review the most convenient donation option for you, including easily donating on-line.

The past year has kept us busy as usual.

In October 2011, El Salvador was hit with the worst torrential rains on record, flooding large parts of the coast and several communities in which SalvAide and our partners are present. Through the outstanding response from Canadians across the country, we were able to raise $100,000 for flood relief and reconstruction efforts in the San Vicente and La Libertad coastal regions.

March of this year saw municipal and legislative elections in El Salvador, and SalvAide was there. Since 1985, SalvAide has accompanied Salvadorans as they struggle for democracy and human rights. Our Elections Observers Delegations have been an important part in that accompaniment, and last March, the SalvAide delegation was once again present on the ground to observe elections in Suchitoto and Las Vueltas. What’s more, it was an opportunity to celebrate the 25-year historic and committed partnership between Windsor and Las Vueltas!

Other Canadians continue learning about global justice issues with El Salvador as the setting through SalvAide’s delegations program. Delegates from high schools, colleges, universities, and youth social justice groups all made their way to learn about Archbishop Romero’s life and martyrdom; about the ongoing human rights issues that still affect Salvadorans, including their fight against gold mining; about the new and innovative ways that young Salvadorans are building healthy and vibrant rural communities against all odds; and about how policies in Canada and other minority-world countries affect the majority world.

Finally, 2012 saw the end of our three-year, $565,000 project in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency that fostered greater community involvement in local development planning in Cabañas and Cuscatlán. The project was a resounding success: communities are better equipped to advocate on their own behalves and now have a say in how limited municipal government development funds are allocated. This is a remarkable achievement in a country where the poor have been expected for centuries to simply accept their ‘lot in life.’ Through organization and a unified call for greater social justice, communities are moving forward together. Sincere thanks to all those who supported our fundraising efforts for this important project over the past three years.

As another vibrant year at SalvAide draws to a close, we know that we are fortunate to count on the commitment of our nation-wide network of supporters like you. On behalf of the entire SalvAide family and, most importantly, the communities that your solidarity blesses, thank you humbly for your continued support!

With best wishes for a joyous holiday season.

René Guerra Salazar, Executive Director

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